Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meet Me on your Best Behaviour, Meet Me at your Worst...

I've been meaning to update this for ages.

Annoyingly enough, I haven't really had anything to put? I'll give you a bit of a play by play to highlight how my week usually pans out:

Monday: Work.
Tuesday: Work Experience.
Wednesday: Work Experience.
Thursday: Work Experience/Work.
Friday: Work.
Saturday: Work.
Sunday: Work.

In my free time I usually do one of three things: eat, sleep or watch films. Everybody keeps asking me for fun stories of my adventures, but in truth, my adventures have been put on hold while I try and save up some cash to fund them. It's easier than it looks. Living in Sydney and trying not to save money is an absurd notion. The other day I was walking to work and came to the corner of George and Market where I stumbled upon a homeless man while I was waiting to cross the road. I gave him some change. Very nice, I thought. A good deed. As I was strolling along George I came across a second homeless man by the Apple store. Again, I managed to fumble around and find some more change. Again, I thought to myself, I outdo myself with my generosity. I carried on walking along George, trying to avoid the onslaught of suits so I wouldn't collide with one of them and find myself on the wrong side of a briefcase wielding monster. As I came to Wynard station, by Bar 333, there sat a third homeless man outside the 7/11. By this time, I had well and truly been raped of loose change and had nothing to offer. I felt horrible. I felt like I had been favouritist with who I had chosen to donate to. What if I had chosen the wrong ones? What if this third man needed my 50 cents more than the others? By this point, there was only one thing left to do: keep walking and avoid eye contact. I'm not fucking made of money.

And that is why it's impossible to save in Sydney.

There's the resident on the corner of George opposite Supre that I really want to buy some socks for. I saw him on my way home from work the other night and he had no socks on. He had a sleeping bag and a big cardboard sign and a jacket and even a little makeshift seat. But no socks. In this weather, I struggle with my shoes on let alone barefoot. I am still contemplating whether it's patronising to buy a stranger socks. What if he thinks I'm a condescending moron and throws them back in my face? His corner is pretty busy, it would most definitely cause a scene. I may have to bite the bullet and put his poor feet first. Screw my own dignity, socks are a must. When I have come to a decision, I will let you know.

Aside from the various array of men in my life, there is another prominent reason why I find myself short on funds. It is the same reason I ended up with a 70 pound library fine at university and it is the reason I should never be allowed to borrow things with a time limit on them. On Tuesday I rented eight DVDs. Rachel Getting Married was due back Friday and it is now Monday morning. I've managed to watch a grand total of 10 minutes. I have watched two out of eight DVDs. Last week one of my housemates took Hunger back for me because he is kind and I am lazy. If he hadn't taken it back, I don't doubt it'd still be sat in the pile of unwatched gems under the TV and my fine would be verging on beating my record.

I met Krista in Bondi last week and we had a chat about January and our fun travel plans. She wants to start looking at cars next month. Oh yes, because the homeless population will have surely been housed by then, and my DVD shop will most definitely have closed down. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to save with all of these lurking problems. There is always a setback: a week of rain that makes it impossible for me to walk to work. I MUST get a taxi. What's that? Umbrella? Unreliable. Bus? Unpredictable. Or maybe there is my inability to time manage. I'll get up at 1, sit down for a minute, then hey presto! It's 4.30 and I'm due at work in an hour and a half. Whoever said there aren't enough hours in the day was dead on. I will be indebted forever to the person who can conjure up a real life version of Bernard's Watch. Yes, that is a challenge. I propose you, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof.

In other news, I've nearly finished Atonement. I manage to cram a few precious pages in a day on the way into Bondi for work experience. I hate it. I made such a fatal error by watching the film first because it's ruined the ending. I did a terrible thing when I first started reading. I actually want to punch myself in the face for it. I flicked to the back and read the end. I figured, hey, I know it anyway, it's not really cheating. But now I know what happens and it's like when you scream at some really dogshit horror film in spite of yourself.. "What is she doing?...what are you doing? Why are you going into the derelict abandoned house alone...Well now the power's gone out...Run. Go back. For fuck's sake! Run! RUN!!! Oh, now you're dead. WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU." Except in this instance it's more like "No Robbie, don't go looking for the twins alone. Go with Cecilia and Leon. No. Don't. No Robbie, don't go alone! Briony, you didn't see him, please don't say you KNOW you didn't!! Oh, for fuck's sake. There goes the fucking happy ending." You know it's going to happen, it's fate, written in the stars. But that doesn't stop you willing it not to. Therefore Atonement, as beautifully written as it is, has been a horribly unpleasant experience and I almost want to do a Joey from Friends and put it in the freezer and forget about it forever.

I heard Meet Me on the Equinox and I have forgiven Death Cab for putting it on the Twilight soundtrack AND having every gossip rag in the world's new favourite awkward couple in the video. I forgive them because it's really fucking good. I forgive them because I went back and listened to Narrow Stairs after and it was like my ears had a holy epiphany.

I wrote a half post about all that music piracy shit Lily Allen started spouting off about at home but now she's decided to back the fuck off, it kinda seems a little redundant. I might finish it anyway, I felt fairly articulate. I want to do one about film journalism too. Unfortunately my mind isn't in a very clever state so I fear my blogs will get consistently less witty, more trivial and far more boring. I have succeeded with this one, I know, I know. Hush.

We watched Election today. It was good.

And also, if you haven't seen this, it's fascinating. Promise.

Targets for next post:
- Be more coherent.
- Allow less brain farts.
- At least try and be interesting.
- Up the wit.

I am going to go to some of Crave and maybe I'll buy a camera and take photos of all the cool shit going on in the city next month. Or I won't and will just post a really boring blog about some film I've seen instead. I'm also going to do a blog about things that grip my shit as a bartender. Number one is going to be when people put their crappy change ON the bar rather than IN my hand which is RIGHT THERE. Number two will be lousy tippers. Number three will be everybody else. Over an' out.